Attn: International Customers and ordering Best Prostate.

Several months ago IMS Supplements, Inc. upgraded it’s servers and implemented software and monitoring by a third party company.  Some international customers who tried to order Best Prostate or any product from were banned as IMS Supplements, Inc. was not made aware that an entire country’s IP computer access were being blocked.  Users from countries on the list would see a  403 Forbidden error message.   Our Web server (or surrounding systems) have been configured to disallow certain patterns of HTTP traffic. In other words, HTTP communication from a well-known Web browser is allowed, but automated communication from other systems is rejected with an 403 error code. This is due to a very defensive security policy in regards to our Web server.  We apologize for this needed security however we seriously value our customers and the information that they input at our websites.  Please contact us via email at should you have problems.  We will attempt to resolve access issues for you.   Thank you.

Prostate Massage

Prostate Massage was once a very popular therapy for prostatitis in the Western culture. This was prior to the predominence of antibiotic therapy. Today it is still practiced as a non-pharmacologic approach for chronic prostatitis throughout China. More information can be found at:
Before initiating any treatment modality such as prostate massage it is best to consult with your health care provider. There are health risks associated with prostate massage.
This blog and/or affiliated link(s) does not endorse the practice of prostate massage. The purpose is to provide relevant information on the topic that you can discuss with your medical doctor.