PR Newswire
NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif., July 12
NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif., July 12 /PRNewswire/ — Searching the Internet can be very misleading. Today the dietary supplement market is crowded with prostate formulas. The consumer is confused with fraudulent prostate pill reports that try to compare prostate formula safety and efficacy based upon laboratory tests of ingredients and measurements that have nothing to do safety or whether the product will work.
Beware the prostate manufacturer that directly attacks other prostate manufacturers to sell their prostate formula. These practices are both unethical and a demonstration of desperation. Some alleged consumer guides are disguised to look like they are an authority on the subject when they are literally a subjective way to confuse the consumer into purchasing a more expensive product. The FDA published consumer guidelines for shopping for dietary supplements. These can be found at:
Look for a return policy or guarantee it should be obvious. Are you being signed up for a monthly, or bimonthly auto-shipment and billing program? Companies offering this will be storing your credit card information. The Better Business Bureau is loaded with complaints against companies that auto-ship and bill consumers for products.
Does the website where you are shopping actually provide references for the claims made? You should be able to find the study in the National Library of Medicine’s database of literature citations ( Has the referenced study been reviewed by recognized scientific experts and published in reputable peer-reviewed scientific journals, like the New England Journal of Medicine? If not then the FDA advises that you beware this manufacturer.
Many consumers do not realize that when they use a search engine that the top three categories are advertisements. These are listed as “sponsored links.” These are paid advertisements that are selling a specific product. What you read in this section is an advertisement and not the gospel. Search engine companies do not confirm the validity of an advertisement they make money when you click on the link. Some advertisers mislead consumers to believe that they are visiting an accredited institution that provides product ratings. Consumers need to verify that the reviewing organization is valid and accredited. If the link is a “sponsored link” it is no more than an advertisement. Factual product comparisons can be made from one label to the next. However efficacy and safety issues involve scientific study not a lab test. A lab report can only confirm the specific amount and presence of what is being measured.
Beware dietary supplement sites that use the word “treatment.” Unless a study using the dietary supplement or a pharmaceutical in a specific disease state has received an FDA indication then the term is used illegally.
This information is brought to you by the maker of Best Prostate(TM) Formula at or We believe in your right to truth in advertising as defined by the National Advertising Division of the BBB.
Company Contact:
Scottie Jack, CEO
IMS Supplements, Inc.